I think I have been rather negative about Korea so far in my blog but I really don't feel like that. I just use this to vent when I'm a little pissy and tired. I love it here and I think there at least ten reasons why. So here goes.....
1. Korean Taxis: It is like goddamn wacky races. They are very cheap and determind. Red lights be damned. I don't think they really compare to the danger of motorbike taxis in Bangkok but they are fun. They always try to talk to you and when you tell them you don't speak Korean they carry on regardless, with you looking mildly bemused. I have even had them had over mobiles to try to get me to talk to their friends in English. Odd but funny.
2. Galbi: The most amazing food. You have your own little BBQ grill in the middle of the table and they bring you an endless supply of meat for you to cook. It is a strange concept going to a restaurant and cooking yourself but it is damn tasty.
3. Fruit Soju: The drink of kings. Brutal hangover though.
4. Korean children: So damn cute. Over worked as hell, either tired or wired. Sarcastic little bastards sometimes but lovely. I had a class of 9 year olds the other day and the were all calling each other names, 'you're a girl!' 'you're a boy!' etc. Then one came out with 'you're transgender!' Where they hell did that come from? And he knew exactly what it meant.
5. Shopping: The sizes maybe tiny but the shoes fit, and by god are they cute. Also handbags fit everyone so they are rapidly being acquired. The make-up is great and really cheap I just wish I could fit in the clothes more often. Korean women dress fabulously and it is always an occasion for heels regardless of haw many f inches of snow there is.
Okay, I know I have five more but I need to go and buy noodles (maybe that should be one?)