My New Toy
>> Monday, 1 February 2010
I wish it vibrated. But it is in fact a new camera. Mine was destroyed when I fell over in the snow and destroyed the lense, but now I have a new one so away I go.
I have mostly used it to take pics in teh day as it is black and I have a sneaking suspicion that I will put it on a dark table, in a dark club and loose it. I'm a dick so this is totally possible.
Anyway, thursday was monthly test day so I took it to school to show you how gorgous the kids are.
The first photo is of my youngest class. KAE1. Teeny tiny cuties. We spend our days saying things like 'Mom is in the car', 'The book is big', 'Pam is in the school'. The most difficult thing is trying to get them to figure out the differences in 'R' and 'L'. All the jokes about it are true.
Ben is my favourite (on the left with me pulling the stupid face). He loves to arm wrestle and shouts detention at me everytime he seems me.
Stella is above. She finds teachers big yellow head fascinating.
And this is Kent. King among kids.
My super cute class showing off their English skills. They even do a little dance and say 'bye, bye England'. Love them!!!!
P.S I have eaten my weight in seaweed tonight.
I am Rooney from Huijun Communications.
I came across your blog and was amazed by your effort of posting articles on living in Korea.
As you may know already, there is none that many can post their articles and share their thoughts, and find valuable information on Korea. At Huijun Communications, we are currently in the works of creating a website (, please check this website and new design is coming along soon ) that serves as a hub and a community for foreign nationals living in Korea.
By inviting bloggers like you, sharing, and gathering more practical information on and living in Korea, we want to make life easier for other foreigners living in Korea. Our vision is to eventually create a website where people can get all info and service they want through this website without need of searching and looking here and there, and through which people communicate with Koreans also.
Many bloggers showed their interest and joined in our website by posting their articles to share with others.
Your participation will be greatly appreciated, and to show our gratitude, we will mail you complimentary Culture Gift Card after every month after reviewing your participation level.
(see (this can be used as cash to buy books, movies, concerts and others like a gift card at registered stores).
In return, I would like to request followings:
1. Register yourself with
2. Inform us
A. Your ID so that we can tell you from other members.
B. Your address so that you can mail you complimentary Culture Gift Tickets.
C. Phone number, if any
D. Alien registration Number: We don’t ask your visa type or legal status. I know this is very sensitive, but we need it for our accounting purpose. We wouldn’t have asked it otherwise.
3. Write articles 3-4 time a week if possible. If you like you can post as many you want. You can write any topics, but under right board (category of the website).
4. Please Post our banner (our banner is on left side of our webpage) or link at least on your blog so that visitors to your blog can also know that we are there for them.
5. If you mind to give us personal information, you do not need to open it, but you might not get complimentary Culture Gift Tickets because we can not send it to you without personal information as you know.
If you have any suggestions, we are always open to hear from you.
Again, thank you for your help and participation.
You can start posting your articles any time now to share with others.
Truly yours,
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