Man makes love to a fish.

>> Monday 1 February 2010

On my merry walk to work I go past several murals. It has taken me months to actually notice what they are though. Odd you might say but I run a gauntlet. Shit korean drivers, multiple schools all being let out at the same time and all the ajummas in their North Face gear mean that there isn't much time for absorbing your environment.  
Recently I noticed these lovely pictures. I'm sure that they are actually about fishing but why are they so naked? 'Man makes love to a fish' immediately popped into my head. Thay may say more about me than anything else.


My New Toy

I wish it vibrated. But it is in fact a new camera. Mine was destroyed when I fell over in the snow and destroyed the lense, but now I have a new one so away I go.

I have mostly used it to take pics in teh day as it is black and I have a sneaking suspicion that I will put it on a dark table, in a dark club and loose it. I'm a dick so this is totally possible. 
Anyway, thursday was monthly test day so I took it to school to show you how gorgous the kids are.  

The first photo is of my youngest class. KAE1. Teeny tiny cuties. We spend our days saying things like 'Mom is in the car', 'The book is big', 'Pam is in the school'. The most difficult thing is trying to get them to figure out the differences in 'R' and 'L'. All the jokes about it are true.

The next ones are of my absolute favourite class. KAE3. We end up playing a game in nearly every lesson and they know that if my thumb is pointed down they will have to spend the who lesson sat. Not running around like manics.
 Ben is my favourite (on the left with me pulling the stupid face). He loves to arm wrestle and shouts detention at me everytime he seems me.
Stella is above. She finds teachers big yellow head fascinating.


  And this is Kent. King among kids.

My super cute class showing off their English skills. They even do a little dance and say 'bye, bye England'. Love them!!!!

P.S I have eaten my weight in seaweed tonight.


Just in case you ever need to send me things. Marmite and teabags are always welcomed

Felicity Lloyd
538 J Building, 4th Floor
Bongsun-Dong, Namgu
South Korea

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