Good old fashioned family racism

>> Tuesday, 8 December 2009

I have been reading a few blogs and some of the English language newspapers based in Korea and they seem quite keen to constantly remind me that Koreans are racist and nationalistic. Supposedly they hate the Japanese (which is rather understandable considering the history between the two nations) and consider themselves to be the master race.
I haven't experienced anything that I would consider to be especially racist. I do get stared at a lot but maybe that's because I'm so bloody gorgeous (or the fact that I am a big blond giant). And I find the AIDS test/ health for my visa particularly offensive.
However there is an online community on Naver (the main Korean search engine) called the Anti-English Spectrum. They are dedicated to preventing the evils (real or imagined) of the native English teachers. Below is something that appeared on their website a few weeks ago.

It made me laugh a lot.

P.S This picture was stolen from Brian In Jeollanam-do's excellent blog  ( Sorry it took me so long to put the link up!


Brian 10 December 2009 at 00:45  

That's from a few years ago, actually. The group became popular because of a website called English Spectrum that was seen as demeaning Korean women. Was in bad taste for teachers to post that stuff online, but certainly the AES isn't about fixing education (as it claims) as it is about harassing foreign teachers.

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