Unhealthy obsessions
>> Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Whilst I've been in Korea I have heavily indulged in my love for Kpop. The bands are all totally manufactured 'idol' pop groups, usually consisting of 5 to 13 members who sing, dance and look perfect. Random english words and phrases are thrown in indiscriminately and the lyrics appear to be non-sense even when perfectly translated. It's fabulous and I love it!
But..... apparentley not as much as a girl who sent a letter to Taecyeon of 2pm (one of the guys on the left, not sure which).

This particular fan letter was written in blood. Not prick your finger and let it drip blood but period blood. Yes, seriously. She even included a sprinkling of pubic hair. When the letter somehow became public no-one believed that it was that particular kind of blood. To prove it the fan girl decided to post a picture of her bloody sanitary towel. You can find the pic online but it is too disgusting to pass on. However, I simply must show you the letter. Translation - I dedicated to Taecyeon my period blood letter. Ok, Taecyeon. You cannot live without me. Sprinkled with a few strands of my pubes.
Gross, just gross.
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