
>> Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Last week was American thanksgiving and as nearly everyone I work with is American and we decided that a Turkey was definitely in order. Unfortunately the closest thing to an oven that any of as have to an oven is a tiny little toaster oven that struggles to heat up bread, let alone a turkey bigger than a baby.
So we decided that we should deep fry it. Yes, I'm serious. I didn't even know this could be done. Fortunately one of the girls deep fried a turkey that her uncle had shot at a tail-gate party (how american is that, it's like a stars and stripes kick in the teeth). We got a very large pan filed it with oil and went down to the car park under our building to heat it up. Luckily our little cute old land lady thinks we are hilarious and had no problem with a load of weird white folks starting a hot oil fire under her building.
It took an hour and a half to cook and it was the most delicious turkey I have even tasted! I will never go back to oven turkey again. Oh and the reason the turkey looks so pathetic is because we had to crush it so it would fit in the pot. We killed that turkey good!

I have also found a partner in crime. Some-one that loves to indulge in lifes little luxuries as much as me. Awesome!


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Just in case you ever need to send me things. Marmite and teabags are always welcomed

Felicity Lloyd
538 J Building, 4th Floor
Bongsun-Dong, Namgu
South Korea

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