Curvy Girls
>> Sunday, 10 January 2010
I find myself mumbling 'skinny bitches' on a regular basis. Not with a nasty intention, I'm just very jealous of all these skinny Korean girls. Not that I would necessarily want to look like an under-developed school girl (which seems to be the idealised body type here).
I just find it frustrating that it is so difficult to find clothes and I sometimes feel like a big blond giant. This isn't helped by the Korean women that grab your hips and laugh at the foreigners fat ass.
The kids also have no hesitancy in calling you fat. Just this week I was explaining round to one of my favorite classes. I drew a circle on the board and said 'round, like Kent's head' (one of the kids I know can take a joke and he had been annoying me all lesson). He looked up at me completely straight faced and said 'round, like teachers tummy.' Thanks Kent, you're lovely.
So it annoys me even more when western magazines make a big deal about plus-size models. I think that magazines should show more normal sized women wearing high fashion (fashion isn't strictly the domain of the skinny) but instead they go to extremes. It is either skinny or overweight. Why? Neither is a healthy body image. I understand the the skinny girls can wear anything so they are more versatile but why make a massive deal about your 'normal' models then use size 18s with no clothes on. V magazine could have done something brilliant, subtle and subversive. Instead they went for the obvious and crass. 
Of the nine photos, all featured large elements of nudity and undress. The closest they come to high fashion is a swim suit. I mean, look at the pic above, when the hell is denim high fashion? If you're gonna use big girls do them some justice. This is crap.
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