>> Tuesday, 12 January 2010

As I said, I am doing intensives at the moment so that means I end up eating lunch and dinner at school.
I like Korean food when I eat it once a day. I love, love, love glabi - a do it yourself BBQ thing and Shabu-Shabu is amazing (beef noodles). But if I see any more white rice and kimchi I am going to scream. I am so fucking sick of it, I'm actually put off my food.
The Koreans are obsessed with Kimchi. I mean obsessed. You ask the kids what their favourite food is and they say Kimchi. You ask what they had for breakfast and they say Kimchi. You go for dinner any where and they give you Kimchi. Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi. Urgh.
I work for a Korean American who only emigrated over here permanantly 2 years ago. He says that he has to eat Kimchi at least once a day for his stomach to feel right. Are you fucking kidding me? Get a grip. I don't even feel that way about bread and tea. They sent it to astronauts, they send it to sailors working odd the coast of Somalia, they drag jars of the stuff on holiday with them. Why, why why??? It doesn't even taste that great. Some types of it are okay, most of it is just spicy for the sake of spicy. A lot of it tastes like ass.
It is basically fermented vegetables, usually cabbage, that is covered in all sorts of stuff. Including fish paste, and a very large dollop of red pepper paste.
The koreans go on about how healthy it is. They claim that kimchi can protect you from HIV and swine flu (which was a 'foreigners disease') but they forget to mention that Koreans have the highest rate of gastric cancer in the world that has been directly linked to the red pepper paste in kimchi. Odd that that little fact is never mentioned when people go on about how healthy it is.
They love to laugh at us silly forigners getting all hot and bothered about the spice in Kimchi and think that we can't take it. Fuck off. I was raised on curry. Stick a vindaloo down your throat and then we'll talk.
Sorry, I'm tired and angry. I forgive anything of the country that bought me G-Dragon. Yes, it is a dude. And I love him.

Ahhh the G Dragon, I love him too!!!
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