>> Sunday, 10 January 2010
Over January korean public schools close. However, instead of these kids spending the month playing computer games, raiding the fridge and hanging out with their friends they just come to us for extra schooling. Poor things.
It's cool because I get paid more but I am also doing 12/13 hour days everyday and even then I'm finishing up stuff at home. Urgh. I'm doing a critical analysis of Oliver Twist and Sherlock Holmes with with my middle schoolers, which I really enjoy, especially when they actually do their homework and talk to me. I'm also doing extra 1 on 1 tutoring for two college level students who are trying to get into the top english language university in korea. They are spending the whole year studying towards the college entrance exam, Lone Ranger style.
However it could be worse. It could be a military schooling camp. (Picture stolen from the Daily Telegraph web site)

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