Man makes love to a fish.

>> Monday, 1 February 2010

On my merry walk to work I go past several murals. It has taken me months to actually notice what they are though. Odd you might say but I run a gauntlet. Shit korean drivers, multiple schools all being let out at the same time and all the ajummas in their North Face gear mean that there isn't much time for absorbing your environment.  
Recently I noticed these lovely pictures. I'm sure that they are actually about fishing but why are they so naked? 'Man makes love to a fish' immediately popped into my head. Thay may say more about me than anything else.


My New Toy

I wish it vibrated. But it is in fact a new camera. Mine was destroyed when I fell over in the snow and destroyed the lense, but now I have a new one so away I go.

I have mostly used it to take pics in teh day as it is black and I have a sneaking suspicion that I will put it on a dark table, in a dark club and loose it. I'm a dick so this is totally possible. 
Anyway, thursday was monthly test day so I took it to school to show you how gorgous the kids are.  

The first photo is of my youngest class. KAE1. Teeny tiny cuties. We spend our days saying things like 'Mom is in the car', 'The book is big', 'Pam is in the school'. The most difficult thing is trying to get them to figure out the differences in 'R' and 'L'. All the jokes about it are true.

The next ones are of my absolute favourite class. KAE3. We end up playing a game in nearly every lesson and they know that if my thumb is pointed down they will have to spend the who lesson sat. Not running around like manics.
 Ben is my favourite (on the left with me pulling the stupid face). He loves to arm wrestle and shouts detention at me everytime he seems me.
Stella is above. She finds teachers big yellow head fascinating.


  And this is Kent. King among kids.

My super cute class showing off their English skills. They even do a little dance and say 'bye, bye England'. Love them!!!!

P.S I have eaten my weight in seaweed tonight.


Fuck you Korean Times

>> Monday, 18 January 2010

My sense of humour is dark and twisted but whoever did this is clearly a fucked up individual. 100,000 dead and this is what you produce. Oh no, it's okay because the seven Koreans that were missing are now fine. Fuck you dude.


Ten things I love about Korea. Part 2

6. Ajummas: These are the little old Korean women. Often found in packs, always with the short curly perm, usually head to toes in North Face walking gear. They look adorably cute but don't let this fool you. They are powerhouses. They will pass you to the top of the mountain, stopping only to pinch your big western hips and laugh at you. Pulling your hair is an optional extra.

7. K-pop: I love this stuff. I love, love, love my dirty pop and Korea is excellent at it. Hundreds of manufactured bands filled with hot young things. It is so addictive and it always makes me happy after a crappy day.

8. My friends: The foreigners that i have found here have been an amazing bunch of people from all over the world. I don't think many British people are lucky enough to meet such a huge spectrum of people. I've been lucky enough to find some great people. Ont the other hands there are still a few bitchy girls and a plethora of LBHs (losers back home) who are generally to be avoided.

9. Norabang: Basically karaoke with a Korean name. Private rooms where you can sing and dance to your hearts content. Gotta love it.

10. Koreans: Yes they stare, spit, point, shout 'foreigner', push using their tiny elbows (defiantly not as badly as certain other Asian countries I have been to), are all skinny and pretty but they are great. Friendly, generous, helpful and (most) make me happy to be here.


Ten things I love about Korea

>> Sunday, 17 January 2010

I think I have been rather negative about Korea so far in my blog but I really don't feel like that. I just use this to vent when I'm a little pissy and tired. I love it here and I think there at least ten reasons why. So here goes.....

1. Korean Taxis: It is like goddamn wacky races. They are very cheap and determind. Red lights be damned. I don't think they really compare to the danger of motorbike taxis in Bangkok but they are fun. They always try to talk to you and when you tell them you don't speak Korean they carry on regardless, with you looking mildly bemused. I have even had them had over mobiles to try to get me to talk to their friends in English. Odd but funny.

2. Galbi: The most amazing food. You have your own little BBQ grill in the middle of the table and they bring you an endless supply of meat for you to cook. It is a strange concept going to a restaurant and cooking yourself but it is damn tasty.

3. Fruit Soju: The drink of kings. Brutal hangover though.

4. Korean children: So damn cute. Over worked as hell, either tired or wired. Sarcastic little bastards sometimes but lovely. I had a class of 9 year olds the other day and the were all calling each other names, 'you're a girl!' 'you're a boy!' etc. Then one came out with 'you're transgender!' Where they hell did that come from? And he knew exactly what it meant.
5. Shopping: The sizes maybe tiny but the shoes fit, and by god are they cute. Also handbags fit everyone so they are rapidly being acquired. The make-up is great and really cheap I just wish I could fit in the clothes more often. Korean women dress fabulously and it is always an occasion for heels regardless of haw many f inches of snow there is.
Okay, I know I have five more but I need to go and buy noodles (maybe that should be one?)


Because nothing is funnier than fat people falling down

>> Saturday, 16 January 2010

Hahahahahaha this makes me very happy.
'The floor of a weight watchers clinic in Sweden collapsed beneath a group of people taking part in the weight loss program. The cause of the collapse is still being investigated'
I think we can all guess why this happened.
Maybe it was the girls from V magazine?


Beat this Daily Mail

>> Thursday, 14 January 2010

I honestly thought that the Daily Mail bought us the worlds worst, most nationalistic conservative bullshit but I think the Korean Times may have surpassed all odds today.
The earthquake in Haiti has obviously devestated the nation, with nearly 100,000 dead they have instead chosen to focus of the 7 Koreans that are missing. Seriously? They are not people? What the fuck?! They don't even mention the other thousands missing.
Argh! It annoys me so much. I hate crayy journalism and the Korean Times should win an award for it. The article is below. Does it give you rage too?

7 Koreans Missing in Haiti's Earthquake
By Kim Sue-youngStaff ReporterSeven South Koreans remain missing after the powerful magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti, foreign ministry officials said Wednesday. "The ministry tried to confirm the safety of about 70 South Koreans there but seven of them have not been reached yet," an official said.At least four of the seven still missing were said to have been staying at a hotel that collapsed in the quake Tuesday, he said. The earthquake was followed by a tsunami and two powerful aftershocks of magnitudes 5.9 and 5.5.The ministry said that there have been no South Korean casualties reported so far."We are making preparations to send a diplomat from a nearby country if any casualties are confirmed," the official said, asking to remain anonymous.Haiti's presidential palace and numerous other government buildings, many hotels and the headquarters of the U.N. peacekeeping mission were severely damaged in the quake, according to news reports. Communications to the island, the most impoverished in the Western hemisphere, were also cut, they said. A diplomat working with Haiti out of the South Korean Embassy in the Dominican Republic said severed power and communication lines were slowing efforts to confirm the whereabouts of the missing South Koreans, according to Yonhap News."We are having difficulty trying to gather information as the communication network has gone down," Lee Eon-woo, the consul in the Dominican Republic, told Yonhap on the phone.



>> Tuesday, 12 January 2010

As I said, I am doing intensives at the moment so that means I end up eating lunch and dinner at school.

I like Korean food when I eat it once a day. I love, love, love glabi - a do it yourself BBQ thing and Shabu-Shabu is amazing (beef noodles). But if I see any more white rice and kimchi I am going to scream. I am so fucking sick of it, I'm actually put off my food.

The Koreans are obsessed with Kimchi. I mean obsessed. You ask the kids what their favourite food is and they say Kimchi. You ask what they had for breakfast and they say Kimchi. You go for dinner any where and they give you Kimchi. Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi, Kimchi. Urgh.

I work for a Korean American who only emigrated over here permanantly 2 years ago. He says that he has to eat Kimchi at least once a day for his stomach to feel right. Are you fucking kidding me? Get a grip. I don't even feel that way about bread and tea. They sent it to astronauts, they send it to sailors working odd the coast of Somalia, they drag jars of the stuff on holiday with them. Why, why why??? It doesn't even taste that great. Some types of it are okay, most of it is just spicy for the sake of spicy. A lot of it tastes like ass.

It is basically fermented vegetables, usually cabbage, that is covered in all sorts of stuff. Including fish paste, and a very large dollop of red pepper paste.

The koreans go on about how healthy it is. They claim that kimchi can protect you from HIV and swine flu (which was a 'foreigners disease') but they forget to mention that Koreans have the highest rate of gastric cancer in the world that has been directly linked to the red pepper paste in kimchi. Odd that that little fact is never mentioned when people go on about how healthy it is.

They love to laugh at us silly forigners getting all hot and bothered about the spice in Kimchi and think that we can't take it. Fuck off. I was raised on curry. Stick a vindaloo down your throat and then we'll talk.

Sorry, I'm tired and angry. I forgive anything of the country that bought me G-Dragon. Yes, it is a dude. And I love him.


Dear Korea

>> Monday, 11 January 2010

Dear Korea
The snow has been off and on now for a little while and with the promise of more fast approaching I feel it is important to get this off my chest.
I would like to be able to walk to work with out sliding all over the compacted ice. This walk should not leave me filled with an all consuming rage.
Thank you very much,
girl with the sore bum


Curvy Girls

>> Sunday, 10 January 2010

I find myself mumbling 'skinny bitches' on a regular basis. Not with a nasty intention, I'm just very jealous of all these skinny Korean girls. Not that I would necessarily want to look like an under-developed school girl (which seems to be the idealised body type here).

I just find it frustrating that it is so difficult to find clothes and I sometimes feel like a big blond giant. This isn't helped by the Korean women that grab your hips and laugh at the foreigners fat ass.

The kids also have no hesitancy in calling you fat. Just this week I was explaining round to one of my favorite classes. I drew a circle on the board and said 'round, like Kent's head' (one of the kids I know can take a joke and he had been annoying me all lesson). He looked up at me completely straight faced and said 'round, like teachers tummy.' Thanks Kent, you're lovely.

So it annoys me even more when western magazines make a big deal about plus-size models. I think that magazines should show more normal sized women wearing high fashion (fashion isn't strictly the domain of the skinny) but instead they go to extremes. It is either skinny or overweight. Why? Neither is a healthy body image. I understand the the skinny girls can wear anything so they are more versatile but why make a massive deal about your 'normal' models then use size 18s with no clothes on. V magazine could have done something brilliant, subtle and subversive. Instead they went for the obvious and crass.
Of the nine photos, all featured large elements of nudity and undress. The closest they come to high fashion is a swim suit. I mean, look at the pic above, when the hell is denim high fashion? If you're gonna use big girls do them some justice. This is crap.



Over January korean public schools close. However, instead of these kids spending the month playing computer games, raiding the fridge and hanging out with their friends they just come to us for extra schooling. Poor things.

It's cool because I get paid more but I am also doing 12/13 hour days everyday and even then I'm finishing up stuff at home. Urgh. I'm doing a critical analysis of Oliver Twist and Sherlock Holmes with with my middle schoolers, which I really enjoy, especially when they actually do their homework and talk to me. I'm also doing extra 1 on 1 tutoring for two college level students who are trying to get into the top english language university in korea. They are spending the whole year studying towards the college entrance exam, Lone Ranger style.

However it could be worse. It could be a military schooling camp. (Picture stolen from the Daily Telegraph web site)


Sometimes you need a little distraction.

Sue (my boss) "Snow fight at 3 everyone"
Us "Sure Sue, whatever"
Sue "Come on guys get outside!"
Us "What? You were serious?"
Much fun ensued.



I realise that I have been rather crap at updating this so I'm going to make more effort from now on. I promise!

So first- Christmas. Holly, Molly (now know collectively as holymoly), Diana and I went to Busan. It is a beautiful city on the south east coast of Korea. It's the second biggest city and the worlds 5th largest sea port. I will definitely try to get a job there in my second year.

After being classy and throwing up on the bus on the way there because of my raging hangover (do you put a bag of sick in food or plastic recycling?) I swiftly recovered and we went off to see the sights.

We went to a beautiful temple that overlooked the whole of the city, which was filled with a group of the littlest Asian women you have ever seen. Seriously it was like being surrounded by praying midgets.

We then visited the temple of consumption known as Lotte department store. Very decadent, gold and ornate. There was even a fake trevi fountain in the basement.

The next day we went to Hundai beach, famous for a movie about a giant tidal wave destroying Korea. It's a really pretty beach, made even more interesting for the two Korean guys in thongs playing Frisbee. No body hair what so ever. It was also damn cold - the thongs did them no favours.
We wondered around for a bit and saw the fish market that included still alive catfish with their eyes removed (Korea isn't exactly known for its animal rights). Then went on a boat ride. Saw Korea's longest bridge (14km) which is apparently a symbol of Korea. Ummmm......shitty symbol if you ask me.

We soon gave up with sightseeing and moved on to what we do best - drinking and eating. F'n Tacos (awesome name for a restaurant) for Mexican food and far far to many margaritas. We also met some English guys with their Korean friends. Interesting bunch. It turned out that the Korean was a bit of a gangster, so he took us to the city's best nightclub in their blingiest hotel and bought Moet for us. The whole group of us ended up at the Korean 37 floor penthouse apartment, over looking the city, drinking until the wee stupid hours. Random encounters turn out to be the most interesting sometimes. Unfortunately I left my stupid wallet in the club with all my bank cards, alien card and random bits of crap in it. Really, really annoying.
The next day, all hungover as hell we went to burger king to indulge and then the aquarium. It was full of smelly screaming children. Adults pushing and kids staring. We also had to stop every 10 metres to have a sit.
Finally made it back to Gwangju after going to the wrong bus station and slept like a bitch.


Just in case you ever need to send me things. Marmite and teabags are always welcomed

Felicity Lloyd
538 J Building, 4th Floor
Bongsun-Dong, Namgu
South Korea

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