Nearly there!

>> Thursday 22 October 2009

So this is it...finally!

After months of planning and organising I will finally have my E2 visa on friday, and of course because of the stupid fucking postal strikes I have to go to London to pick up my passpost. £50 to spend 5 1/2 hours on a train and 3 hours in London. We are in the middle of a recession with people lucky to hold onto their jobs and the Royal Mail holds us to ransom to maintain their outdated 1970s working practises. Absolute bloody prats.

Then I'm off. Well...give or take a few days. The school still has to book flights for me.
I'm desperately trying to get them to book me onto Emirates as you get an extra 10kg luggage allowance. I need 30kg! I will happily sit in Dubai airport for 20hrs if it means I get the extra luggage allowance. 20kg will not do me. I have a lot of shoes and clothes and I am not a small person. I'm still going to fly in a least 3 layers. I'm even considering cutting a hole in the lining of my coat in order to pack it full of knickers and tights. Bit dramatic maybe but I am never going to get into teeny-tiny Korean clothes. I'm going to get my mum to send me boxes full of Primark clothes every few months.

God, I'm shallow. Clearly my only real concern so far has been regarding clothes and my hair. Lots of you have asked me about being nervous living and working in a foreign country for a year and so far I'm not. I'm really looking forward to it!

I keep getting a little over excited and squeeling. Mainly because I will be able to properly stalk Super Junior. The most amazing pop band to come out of Asia. I've put the video below. I even love the fat one!

(And, yes, I am damn proud that I managed to figure out how to post videos)

Right, I'm off to bed. It's 2 am and I have a million things to do tomorrow. Including walking the worlds smelliest and most demented dog for my neighbour. God, I'm nice.


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Just in case you ever need to send me things. Marmite and teabags are always welcomed

Felicity Lloyd
538 J Building, 4th Floor
Bongsun-Dong, Namgu
South Korea

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